Thematic issues
Thematic Issues "Borders in Perspective"
The editions of "Borders in Perspective" bundle scientific texts on overarching topic. The peer-reviewed contributions can refer to theoretical-conceptual questions of border studies, but also to empirical case analyses in border regions and are intended to further promote the scientific exchange between border researchers. The UniGR-CBS series is also open to border researchers beyond the Greater Region. You can send publication requests to at any time.
Thematic issue Borders in Perspective Vol. 9: The Biopolitics of Borders in Times of Crisis
This collection of essays pays attention to the biopolitical intricacies surrounding borders, with a particular focus on the Global North, encompassing North America and Europe. It dwells on the growing importance of biopolitical perspectives in Cultural Border Studies and aims at re-thinking Europe and the Americas through the crises and challenges they pose. By scrutinizing biopolitics, the…
BorderscrisisBiopoliticsEuropeNorth AmericaThematic issue Borders in Perspective Vol. 8: B/ORDERS ARE (NOT) EVERYWHERE (FOR EVERYONE). On the Multivalence of Borders in a Flee(t)ing Europe | Zur Multivalenz von Grenzen in einem flüchtigen Europa
While the materialities and functionalities of borders have changed drastically in recent decades, the ordering principle of the border persists. At the same time, the selective character of borders is emerging with a clarity that has hardly been seen in Europe before. This is the point of departure for the issue papers, which discuss the observation that borders do not have the same…
BordersEurope migrationInequalityBorder regionThematic issue Borders in Perspective Vol. 7: Strategien und Konzepte grenzüberschreitender Raumentwicklung und Raumplanung
In border areas, there is a special need for cross-border coordination between the stakeholders of spatial development and spatial planning with regard to spatially relevant challenges and future oriented development processes. The process of creating and implementing cross-border spatial development concepts requires intensive communication and cooperation across borders. However, these can…
grenzüberschreitendgrenzüberschreitende KooperationKooperationRaumplanung Raumplanung und Entwicklung
Borders in Perspective Vol. 6: Identities and Methodologies of Border Studies: Recent Empirical and Conceptual Approaches
In recent decades, Border Studies have gained importance and have seen a noticeable increase in development. This manifests…
Border studiesBoundariesMéthodologiesEthnographic methodsPracticesMigrationBorders in Perspective Vol. 5: B/ordering the Anthropocene: Inter- and Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Nature-Culture Relations
In and with this new issue of Borders in Perspective we invite you to engage in productive boundary work and encourage you to critically examine the relationship between nature and culture in the Anthropocene. In the current geological epoch of the Anthropocene, in which humankind is seen as the central driving force for global changes in…
AnthropoceneNature and societyborder shiftscritical boundary workdisciplinary borders