Book series – Border Studies. Cultures, Spaces, Orders

The book series launched by academics from Viadrina University in Frankfurt (Oder), Saarland University and the University of Luxembourg is aimed at border researchers in the cultural and social science fields wishing to publish both empirical and theoretical work.

The series is published by Nomos-Verlag and is intended above all to offer a platform for cultural analyses, to address recent developments in border research and to develop perspectives that allow innovative ways of thinking about and researching borders. The publications (e.g. dissertations, postdoctoral theses, independent research) as a rule are in German or English, although other languages are possible in principle, on consultation.

For more information, visit the publisher's website


Christian Wille

Department of Geography and Spatial Planning

University of Luxembourg
Astrid Fellner

North American Literary and Cultural Studies

Saarland University