Recherche publications
Policy Paper Vol. 3: Formation et marché du travail transfrontalier : Quelles pistes face aux déséquilibres croissants ? / Ausbildung und grenzüberschreitender Arbeitsmarkt: Womit kann man der zunehmenden Schieflage entgegenwirken?
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the reflection on the role of training in the cross-border labor market. It does so by mobilizing the debates initiated in the different Cahiers de la Grande Région and during a conference debate organized online on December 1 2020 on the topic of "Inequities, Skills, and Training: What Equations for the Cross-Border Labor Market?” More precisely,…
coopération transfrontalière économiqueÉconomieGrande RégionMarché du travail transfrontalierTravailleurs transfrontaliersPolicy Paper Vol. 4: Handlungsempfehlungen zur weiteren Gestaltung der grenzüberschreitenden Kooperation im deutsch-französischen Verflechtungsraum/Recommandations d'action pour les orientations futures de la coopération transfrontalière dans le bassin de vie franco-allemand
Over the course of the 20th and 21st century, different forms of cross-border cooperation have emerged and developed within the so-called Greater Region. The France Strategy of the Saarland – announced in 2014 – adds upon these existing efforts, aiming in particular to foster functional multilingualism, and cross-border cooperation in the economic, research, and cultural sphere. In this endeavour…
grenzüberschreitende KooperationDeutsch-französische BeziehungenSaarlandFrankreich- Deutschland StrategienWorking Paper Vol. 12: Grenzregionen in Zeiten der Covid-19-Pandemie – eine Analyse der Berichterstatung der Saarbrücker Zeitung im Frühjahr 2020
The year 2020 challenged and put into question seeming certainties. The nation states responded to the spread of the coronavirus with varying restrictions of freedom(s), as well as temporary reintroduction of border controls or closures. 35 years after the signing of the Schengen Agreement, the issue of internal border controls within the EU resurfaced – with varying effects on border regions.…
Grenze GrenzschließungenGroßregionGrenzkontrolleCOVID-19Thematic issue Borders in Perspective Vol. 7: Strategien und Konzepte grenzüberschreitender Raumentwicklung und Raumplanung
In border areas, there is a special need for cross-border coordination between the stakeholders of spatial development and spatial planning with regard to spatially relevant challenges and future oriented development processes. The process of creating and implementing cross-border spatial development concepts requires intensive communication and cooperation across borders. However, these can make…
grenzüberschreitendgrenzüberschreitende KooperationKooperationRaumplanung Raumplanung und EntwicklungWorking Paper Vol. 13: La segmentation linguistique de l'emploi au Luxembourg étudiée à travers les offres d'emploi (1984-2019) Rapport de synthèse
Based on a sample of job advertisements published in the main Luxembourgish daily newspaper (Luxemburger Wort) covering the period 1984-2019, this study describes the development of language skills required on the Luxembourg job market. After a brief presentation of the linguistic situation and the labor market in Luxembourg, the statistical analysis of a sample of some 8,340 job advertisements…
LangueLuxembourgmultilinguismeoffres de travailemploisegmentation linguistiqueWorking Paper Vol. 14: The resilience of cross-border cooperation in the German-Polish borderland within a European perspective
The Covid-19 pandemic and the related border restrictions have had numerous social, economic and political consequences for border regions. The temporary border closures impacted not only the lives of borderlanders whose everyday practices are embedded in cross-border spaces, but also the functioning of institutional actors involved in cross-border activities. The aim here is to investigate the…
COVID-19 Germanycross-border cooperationRésilienceWorking Paper Vol. 15: Analysis of changes in the barriers to cross-border educational projects – the COVID-19 pandemic effect
The paper aims to recognize the changes in the barriers to cross-border educational projects, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The research focused on the European borderlands, where the level of maturity of cross-border cooperation is diverse (the Franco-German and Polish-Czech borderlands). The author utilised qualitative research methods (desk research, in-depth interview,…
COVID-19cross-border cooperationcross-border Education
Working Paper Vol. 16: Weaponizing migration and reinforcing border protection: Development of Belarus-Lithuania border dynamics between the 2020 Belarusian presidential election and the start of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
Up until May 2021, the post-election insecurity in Belarus had mostly been a national affair, but with Lukashenka’s regime starting to retaliate against foreign actors, the crisis internationalised. This article follows the development of Belarus-Lithuania border dynamics between the 2020 Belarusian presidential election and the start of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. A qualitative content…
Russian invasion migrationUkraineborder protectionThematic issue Borders in Perspective Vol. 8: B/ORDERS ARE (NOT) EVERYWHERE (FOR EVERYONE). On the Multivalence of Borders in a Flee(t)ing Europe | Zur Multivalenz von Grenzen in einem flüchtigen Europa
While the materialities and functionalities of borders have changed drastically in recent decades, the ordering principle of the border persists. At the same time, the selective character of borders is emerging with a clarity that has hardly been seen in Europe before. This is the point of departure for the issue papers, which discuss the observation that borders do not have the same significance…
BordersEurope migrationInequalityBorder regionUniGR-CBS Working Paper Vol. 17: Linking Borderlands: Dynamics of Cross-Border Peripheries. Conceptual and empirical insights from an interdisciplinary perspective
In the 21st century, cooperative cross-border projects in many peripheral areas of EU member states have steadily gained in importance; but, as the Covid-19 pandemic demonstrated, they can by no means be taken for granted. Borderland cooperation involves many actors, and complex as well as varied background conditions. Funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research (project key…
Border Regionscross-border Borderlandsconcepts methods Greater Regioncross-border region Brandenburg-Lubuskie voivodeshipWorking Paper Vol. 18: Understanding Russia’s War in Ukraine. Borders, Identities, and Boundaries: An Interview with Julia Buyskykh, Alina Mozolevska, and Oleksandr Pronkevich
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led not only to the shift of real and mental borders in Europe but has also driven profound changes of geopolitical visions of the contemporary world and its economic, political, and social future. In which ways is Russia’s war in Ukraine related to issues of borders and identity? This interview addresses the many geopolitical, social, and existential…
War in UkraineRole of BordersIdentityWestsplainingThematic issue Borders in Perspective Vol. 9: The Biopolitics of Borders in Times of Crisis
This collection of essays pays attention to the biopolitical intricacies surrounding borders, with a particular focus on the Global North, encompassing North America and Europe. It dwells on the growing importance of biopolitical perspectives in Cultural Border Studies and aims at re-thinking Europe and the Americas through the crises and challenges they pose. By scrutinizing biopolitics, the…
BorderscrisisBiopoliticsEuropeNorth AmericaWorking Paper Vol. 19: San Diego, California: Borderland Dynamics Between North Park and Mid-City
San Diego’s central neighborhoods are in the midst of a municipally and privately led redevelopment phase, which is gradually progressing from one neighborhood to the other and slowly transforming lower-income communities into ‘trendy’ places for affluent populations. This is particularly the case in the neighborhood of North Park, which has been redeveloped in the last decades and has recently…
urban bordershybrid urban borderlandsurban bordering processesUrban developmentWorking Paper Vol. 20: Komplexitätsdenken und Grenzforschung: Überlegungen und Perspektiven zu einem vielversprechenden Verhältnis
Despite the increased discourse on the complexity of borders, there are hardly any references in the academic debate as to what exactly complex borders mean or complexity-oriented border research. This paper starts here and discusses the promising relationship between complexity thinking and border research. To this end, it explains what is currently qualified as complex in border research and…
Border studiesKomplexitätBordering TurnComplexity ShiftBorder Complexitiestexturale OntologiePolicy Paper Vol. 5: Résilience de la coopération transfrontalière en Europe | Resilienz grenzüberschreitender Kooperation in Europa | Rezyliencja współpracy transgranicznej w Europie
Depending on location, European border regions can look back on several decades of development in their histories of cooperation. For the Franco-German region this stretches back to the post-World War 2 reconciliation between the two countries, for the German-Polish borderlands to the raising of the Iron Curtain and the reunification of Germany in 1990. It is, however, easy to forget how fragile…
Cross-Bordercooperation German-PolishFranco-GermanBorder Regions