Publications of the Working Group
- Bechtold, Joshua; Caesar, Beate; Christmann, Nathalie; Evrard, Estelle; Hamez, Grégory; Heinen, Susanne; Marsal, Frédéric; Pallagst, Karina; Reichert-Schick, Anja; Teller, Jacques (2020): Les défis d’un aménagement transfrontalier du territoire dans la Grande Région : pistes de recherche. In: Grégory Hamez, Jean-Marc Defays (ed.): Réalités, perceptions et représentations des frontières. L’espace transfrontalier de la Grande Région Sarre-Lor-Lux. Louvain-la-Neuve, EME Éditions, S. 159-182.
- Caesar, Beate; Dorkel, Nicolas; Marbehant, Sylvain; Rouchet, Hélène et Szendrei, Greta (2020): Fermeture des frontières nationales: récits en territoire transfrontalier. In: Borders in Perspective UniGR-CBS Thematic Issue. Bordering in Pandemic Times: Insights into the COVID-19 Lockdown, Vol. 4, pp. 25-31; DOI:
- Caesar, Beate; Evrard, Estelle (2020) Planungskulturelle Vielfalt in Grenzräumen – Theoretische und methodische Ansätze zur grenzüberschreitenden Raumplanung. In: F. Weber, C. Wille, B. Caesar & J. Hollstegge (ed.), Geographien der Grenzen. Räume – Ordnungen – Verflechtungen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Bechtold, Joshua; Caesar, Beate; Christmann, Nathalie; Dorkel, Nicolas; Evrard, Estelle; Heinen, Susanne; Morel-Doridat, Frédérique; Reichert-Schick, Anja (2019): Grenzüberschreitende Raumplanung in der Praxis: Reflexionen zu einem Dialog zwischen Forschung und Praxis in der Großregion/ L’aménagement du territoire transfrontalier en pratique : Réflexions pour un dialogue entre chercheurs et praticiens de la Grande Région. In: UniGR-CBS Policy Paper Vol. 1.
Selected contributions at conferences
- Lecture by Tom Becker on “Pursuing border alliances in cross-border spatial planning: the potential of science-policy-interfaces, policy mobilities and communicative planning” at the UniGR-CBS Jubilee Conference on 17 October 2024 in Saarbrücken. Lecture by Chris Reiter, Tom Becker and Antoine Decoville on “Comparison of net zero land consumption approaches in the Greater Region” at the workshop “Net zero land consumption by 2050: challenges, strategies and instruments for implementation in the Greater Region” on 15 June 2023 in Esch-sur-Alzette.
- Lecture by Tom Becker and Hélène Rouchet on “Building science-policy-interfaces: co-productive trainings in planning cultures and cross-border spatial planning” at the UniGR-CBS “Border Renaissance” Conference on 4 February 2022 in Saarbrücken.
- Lecture by Tom Becker and Markus Hesse on “Neighborhood issues. Perspective and problems of cross-border spatial planning in Franco-Luxembourgian terrain” at the conference “Cross-border cooperation and innovation” of RWTH Aachen, Region Aachen on 17 May 2021.
- Lecture by Tom Becker and Beate Caesar on "Grasping planning cultures - inter-cultural learning across borders" at the AEBR Cross-border School 2020 (online) on 4 November 2020.
- Lecture by Nicolas Dorkel, Estelle Evrard and Tom Becker on "Planning Culture in the Greater Region - Status and Perspectives" at the academic seminar "Border Studies" of the UniGR-CBS "Planning Cultures in Border Regions - Challenges and Perspectives" on 27 and 28 February 2020 in Kaiserslautern.
- Lecture by Beate Caesar and Estelle Evrard on “(Re)considering cross-border spatial planning under the lens of planning culture” at the AESOP conference in Venice in July 2019.
- Moderation of a workshop by Beate Caesar and Estelle Evrard on “Planning in the border region: research and practice in dialogue” on 9 April 2019 in Esch-sur-Alzette
- Lecture by Nicolas Dorkel and Estelle Evrard at the MOT-RIATE conference in September 2018 in Paris
- Lecture by Nathalie Christmann at the ABS Conference in July 2018 in Vienna/Bratislava.