UniGR-Center for Border Studies themed journal: Borders and Cross-Border Labor Markets: Opportunities and Challenges
The object of the current Thematic Issue is not to focus on the individuals (the cross-border commuters) but on the organization of the cross-border labor markets. We move from a micro perspective to a macro perspective in order to underline the diversity of the cross-border labor markets (at the French borders, for example) and shed light on the many aspects that impact cross-border supply or demand. Trying to understand the whole system that goes beyond the cross-border flows, the question we address in this thematic issue is about the organization of the labor markets: is the system organized in a cross-border way? Or do the borders still prevent a genuinely integrated cross-border labor market?
- PREFACE; Jean Peyrony, MOT (Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière/Transfrontier Operational Mission)
- EDITORIAL: analyzing cross-border labor markets; Rachid Belkacem and Isabelle Pigeron-Piroth
- SOCIOECONOMIC PROFILES OF CROSS-BORDER COMMUTERS AT THE FRENCH BORDERS: common features and territorial specificities; Rachid Belkacem and Isabelle Pigeron-Piroth
- CROSS-BORDER SKILL FORMATION AND INSTITUTIONAL BRICOLAGE: the case of Luxembourg and its neighbors; Lukas Graf and Daniel Tröhler
- CROSS-BORDER TRADE UNION COOPERATION WITHIN THE GREATER REGION: joint workforce or separated by structures?; Julia Frisch
- CROSSING THE BORDER EVERY DAY: a rhythmic perspective; Guillaume Drevon and Olivier Klein
- CROSS-BORDER DYNAMICS OF EMPLOYMENT: examining Luxembourg’s financial cluster; Olivier Damette, Vincent Fromentin and Marc Salesina
- CROSS-BORDER LABOR MARKETS: dynamics and perspectives; Rachid Belkacem and Isabelle Pigeron-Piroth
Bibliographical references and download
Belkacem, Rachid / Pigeron-Piroth, Isabelle (2020) (ed.): Borders and Cross-Border Labor Markets: Opportunities and Challenges – Cahier thématique Vol. 3. (81 pages)