Round table: Les Cahiers de la Grande Région

Diskussionsrunde_Hefte der Grossregion

Round table: Les Cahiers de la Grande Région

Catégorie d'actualité
Date de début

The IDEA Foundation asbl and the UniGR-Center for Border Studies, in partnership with the members of the Cahiers de la Grande Région initiative, are pleased to invite you to the next round table discussion on the occasion of the release of the third edition of the series Cahiers de la Grande Région on the following theme:

Mismatches, qualifications, training... What are the key factors for the cross-border labour market? 
Elements of reflection based on the Cahiers de la Grande Région #2 and #3

The round table will be held online on Tuesday 1st December from 4.00-5.30pm.

Free admission, round table discussion in German and French with interpretation

Download program (DE) and (FR)
Registration required: here


Vincent Hein (IDEA Fondation asbl)
Isabelle Pigeron-Piroth (University of Luxembourg, UniGR-CBS)
Rachid Belkacem (University of Lorraine, UniGR-CBS)