New UniGR-CBS release: B/ordering the Anthropocene: Inter- and transdisciplinary Perspectives on Nature-Culture Relations

Themenheft 5

New UniGR-CBS release: B/ordering the Anthropocene: Inter- and transdisciplinary Perspectives on Nature-Culture Relations

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Date de début

In the current geological epoch of the Anthropocene, in which humankind is seen as the central driving force for global changes in ecological systems, seemingly secure boundaries between nature and society are on the one hand dissolving and on the other hand being redrawn elsewhere. The boundaries between society and nature, science and politics or individual disciplines are no longer clearly and easy to define.

In and with this new issue of Borders in Perspective we invite you to engage in productive boundary work and encourage you to critically examine the relationship between nature and culture in the Anthropocene. The authors, for example, examine the various ways in which borders are drawn and dissolved in the Anthropocene from multiple perspectives and multidisciplinary directions.

Bibliographic information and download

Antje Bruns and Rebekka Kanesu (Eds.) (2020): B/ordering the Anthropocene: Inter-and transdisciplinary Perspectives on Nature-Culture Relations. Borders in Perspective, Vol. 5, UniGR-Center for Border Studies, download


  • Editorial: B/ordering the Anthropocene (Antje Bruns und Rebekka Kanesu)
  • Cross the Border, Mind the Gap: Humboldt, NASA, and the ‘Invention’ of the Anthropocene (Jonas Nesselhauf)
  • Durchlässige Grenzen im Anthropozän. Über multiple Grenzverschiebungen und Wasser als räumliches, zeitliches und ontologisches Grenzobjekt (Rebekka Kanesu und Antje Bruns)
  • Relating to the inhuman Anthropocene: Nature-culture narratives and the politics of space-time (Toni Adscheid)
  • Ruderallitaratur. Vom Schreiben über Grenzräume im Anthropozän (Friederike Reents)
  • Of Binaries, Boundaries and Benevolence: Critical interdisciplinarity in natural resources management (Peter P. Mollinga)
  • In Oulanka liegt die Grenze zwischen Phantasie und Wirklichkeit. Ein Projektbericht aus der Zukunft (Anne Dombrowski)


Antje Bruns
Rebekka Kanesu