"Borders and Planning Cultures" Workshop 2017

"Borders and Planning Cultures" Workshop 2017
Every geographical unit in the Greater Region has its own spatial planning models, traditions and provisions, i.e. various planning “cultures”. Work, study and participation in cultural events are a few such cross-border activities, which attest to the vibrancy of the Greater Region while also posing challenges to the planners.
How can cross-border spatial development be efficiently managed to react to social, economic and ecological challenges in the future?
On 18 and 19 May, approximately thirty researchers and planning practitioners from the border region met in the House of the Greater Region on the initiative of the “Spatial Planning” working group members of the UniGR to jointly seek answers to these questions.
The attending planning practitioners were first invited to exchange information on the opportunities and obstacles in cross-border spatial planning. They then took part in a role play session to jointly devise a plan for a cross-border Eco-Region. The scientific method of the role play allowed the researchers to filter out unwritten planning practices and cultures.
The numerous empirical results of this workshop stretching over two half-days will be analyzed by the researchers, jointly published in trade journals and utilized in their individual research work. In addition, the many lines of thoughts emerging from this workshop will be included in a policy paper for the attention of the decision-makers in the Greater Region.
The Working Group cordially thanked the partner institutions that had made this workshop possible:
• ASKO Europa-Stiftung
• Institut de géographie et d'aménagement du territoire, université du Luxembourg
• Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, université de Lorraine
• House of the Greater Region
• UniGR-Center for Border Studies
Organization: GRETI / University of the Greater Region / Center for Border Studies
More information on the Working Group Spatial Planning