Projet d’Agglomération de Bâle

Projet d’Agglomération de Bâle

Border Region
France, Switzerland, Germany, Trinational Agglomeration of Basel

The Basel Agglomeration project coordinates the overarching, integrated planning of the landscape, urban development and transport within the scope of the Trinational Agglomeration of Basel.


Since 2007, the Trinational Agglomeration of Basel has allowed the coordination and implementation of concrete measures across the entire territory of the agglomeration. These measures meet the objective of articulating the preservation of landscapes,, the management of urban development and the implementation of public transport services within the territory of the agglomeration. The project is led by a trinational association Agglo Basel of which all the local authorities making up the agglomeration are members. The overall project is designed to ensure that investments in infrastructure are coordinated and balanced between the three national components of the agglomeration.


The Trinational Agglomeration of Basel was set up to coordinate and plan the urban dynamics linked to the introduction of the cross-border transport network in this territory. The project is led by an association Agglo Basel, a French-German-Swiss trinational organisation. The implementation of this project meets the need to coordinate investments in transport in the agglomeration and the resulting territorial dynamics that, including urban development and the landscape. Measures included in the Agglomeration project can benefit from significant funding from the Swiss Confederation (up to 50%). It also controls and monitors the measures taken under the auspices of the project. The cross-border dimension of this Agglomeration project sets it apart from other similar tools in Switzerland.

The Agglomeration project is coordinated by an association Agglo Basel, which is also managing the trinational Regio S-Bahn Basel project. The association depends on the 9 entities making up the Basel agglomeration: the Landkreis Lörrach (RvBH), the Cantons of Basel-City, Soleure, Argovie, Basel-Country, the Republic and Canton of Jura, the Land of Baden-Württemberg, the Grand-Est region. The Bureau of Agglo Basel is the executive body that connects the decisions of the institutional members of the association (local authorities) with the concrete activities. The association is therefore both a political and an operational body.

The purpose of the Agglomeration project is to connect up the development of transport infrastructure and landscape conservation measures and, more generally, to provide a framework for urban development processes. In concrete terms, the project focuses on urban and landscape development in 8 corridors organised around the core of the agglomeration. Each of these corridors is centred on the main public transport lines. The urban and landscape characteristics of each corridor are described so as to better organise their future development in line with the principles of "Transport-Oriented Development".

The implementation of the Agglomeration project is the result of a gradual process over different periods. Since 2007, three different generations of the project have been developed. A fourth generation is currently being implemented. A substantial participatory component has also been introduced. The participation of different local and regional actors has been made possible by the organisation of AGGLO Forums since 2018. These are annual meetings at which the different authorities are provided with all the information on the Agglomeration project. The adoption of each project in the three components of the agglomeration is a necessary condition for the funding of the measures it contains. 


It is the Avenir 2030 vision policy document that best sums up the objectives of the Basel Agglomeration project. It is centred on the three following areas: conservation of green spaces that extend like fingers out into the landscape, development inwards in the corridors for the urban development and extension of the trinational Regio S-Bahn forming the spinal column of transport in the agglomeration.

These ambitious projects are only possible thanks to mobilisation of significant funding by the three countries in the agglomeration, the involvement and political support of all the local authorities concerned and the taking into consideration of the physical and socio-economic specificities of the territory. Thus, for example, on the Swiss side, a contribution of up to 50% of the total amounts can be made to investments under the project. In addition, the commitment of local and regional actors facilitates the acceptance of these projects, in particular through the organisation of the forums. Finally, it is the knowledge of the territorial structure involved in the development of the different generations of the Agglomeration project that has led to the concepts of urbanisable corridors.

The financial support conditioned by the Agglomeration project, its acceptance and political support as well as its coherence at territorial level are also the conditions necessary to the harmonious development of the trinational Region S-Bahn, a project also being managed by Agglo Basel.

Key Messages

The Basel Agglomeration project is a recent example of "Transport-Oriented Development". But, whereas the most emblematic examples of this policy have been implemented in territories which low urban densities at the outset, this project proposes to apply this approach to a pre-existing, extensively urbanised metropolitan territory. It therefore forms an ambitious example of the reconfiguration and reconstruction of an existing territory within itself. Here, the conditions of the success of that ambition are: the availability of large-scale investment funding, the setting up of a strong, specific system of governance based in particular on consultation and the involvement of the different actors, an extensive knowledge of the territory and the continuous updating of that knowledge.


Agglo Basel

Author of the entry

Association Agglo Basel
Saint-Louis Agglomération
Landkreis Lörrach (RvBH),
Canton de Bâle-Ville,
Canton de Soleure,
Canton d’Argovie,
Canton de Bâle-Campagne
République et Canton du Jura
Land du Bade-Wurtemberg
Région Grand-Est


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Date of creation