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Mobilités et développement transfrontalier
This special edition focuses on national borders. It deals with the development of border regions and highlights various forms of mobility.
Border RegionsmobilityCommuter FlowsHousing MobilityLes espaces frontaliers, des espaces à la marge ?
The ambiguous relationship between border and margin has been addressed in a variety of cases. To capture the essence of the margin, a multi-level approach is suggested.
borderMulti-Level ApproachMargin AreasCross-BorderData AlignmentLes Ateliers de recherche transfrontalière 2008-2009 : Maison des sciences de l’Homme de Lorraine – Université de Luxembourg
Brief reflection on the cross-border research workshop of the Maison de Sciences de l'Homme of the University of Lorraine in collaboration with the University of Luxembourg.
Atelier de recherche transfrontalièreborderTerritoriesExchangesSeminarResearchMultidisciplinarityconstructionPracticesLebenswirklichkeiten und politische Konstruktionen in Grenzregionen. Das Beispiel der Großregion SaarLorLux. Wirtschaft – Politik – Alltag – Kultur
In this anthology, the example of the SaarLorLux Greater Region will be used to answer the question of how cross-border regions emerge and what characterizes them.
EuropeGreater Region SaarLorLuxCoopérationBorder studiesregionalizationCultureSpacePoliticscultural sociologyEuropean politicsCultural geographySociologyLa construction des territoires en Europe. Luxembourg et Grande Région : Avis de recherches
This book summarizes articles presented in the cross-border research workshops of 2008-2009 organized by the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme of the University of Lorraine in collaboration with the University of Luxembourg.
CommunicationEuropeConstruction of Territoriescross-border cooperationConstructivist ApproachInstitutionsVisionEuropean IntegrationEuropean Culture CapitalAtelier de recherche transfrontalièreLa comparaison des territoires transfrontaliers à l’échelle nationale. Vers une typologie fondée sur les logiques d’intégration
A comparative study of cross-border areas (Pôle Européen de Développement de Longwy (PED), France-Vaud-Geneva metropolitan area, French-Belgian cross-border platform Flanders – Dunkirk – Opal Coast) to show the specific challenges of these metropolitan areas. A reflection on the challenges of comparing cross-border territories.
Territorial Observation PointCross-Border TerritoriesComparative ApproachCartographyModifiable Areal Unit ProblemPôle Européen de Développement de LongwyFrance-Vaud-Geneva Metropolitan AreaFrench-Belgian Cross-Border Platform Flanders – Dunkirk – Opal CoastInterkulturelle Arbeitswelten in Luxemburg. Mehrsprachigkeit und kulturelle Vielfalt am Arbeitsplatz von Grenzgängern
On the basis of the cross-border commuting in Luxembourg, the resulting diverse linguistic and cultural constellations of cooperation will be examined. The multilingualism and interculturality of cross-border commuters in Luxembourg will be analyzed by means of interviews, interaction analyses and surveys.
cross-border commutersLuxembourgBorder regionTrans-nationalityLanguage ideologiesIntercultural communicationSociolinguistic perspectiveSociocultural perspectiveGrenzüberschreitender Arbeitsmarkt in der Großregion SaarLorLux: Politische Visionen und empirische Wirklichkeiten
This article deals with cross-border commuting in the SaarLorLux Greater Region. Political visions and empirical realities are analyzed and juxtaposed.
SaarLorLux Greater RegionBorder studiescross-border commutersCommuterLabor marketDynamiques des projets de territoire transfrontaliers en Grande Région
This thesis inquires into the implementation of cross-border spatial planning strategies. Border areas in the Greater Region serve as case studies.
spatial planningBorder MetropolizationRésilienceBorder-crossingSustainable developmentRural spaceCross-border cooperation Territorial projectB/Ordering in der Großregion. Mobilitäten – Grenzen – Identitäten
By examining social practices of (social-) spatial differentiation the author deals with identity constructions of cross-border commuters and identity constructions in the context of cross-border commuting.
Greater RegionSaar-Lor-LuxmobilityIdentitycross-border commutersBorder studiesborder areas studiesspatial constructionsAssociation for Borderlands Studies
The Association for Borderlands Studies brings together scholars, institutions and experts from various disciplines and regional backgrounds who deal with the subject of “borders.”
International researchers associationBorder studiesAnnual meetingJournalNewsletterGlobalEuropean Borderlands: Barriers and Bridges in Everyday life
Everyday practices in 9 different European border regions are examined using different disciplinary and methodological approaches to identify the limits of social development and identity formation in a “borderless Europe.”
BoundariesFrontiersBorderlandsRegionalismIdentityEuropeLeitbilder und Handlungsstrategien für die Raumentwicklung in Deutschland
The Leitbilder und Handlungsstrategien für die Raumentwicklung in Deutschland (guiding principles and strategies for spatial development in Germany, hereinafter referred to as the guiding principles) of the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure outline development strategies for spatial planning policy at federal and state levels.
Spatial developmentGermanyCompetitivenesspublic servicesClimate changeEnergy system transformationL’out-shopper peut-il être un consommateur local ? Etude des pratiques de consommation transfrontalière dans le pôle européen de développement de Longwy-Alzette-Belval
This study aims to better understand the cross-border consumer’s “out-shopping” behaviors.
Borders Consumption Out-shoppingglobal/glocal/localGR-Atlas - Atlas der Großregion SaarLorLux
GR-Atlas is an interactive, interdisciplinary, thematic atlas of the “Greater Region SaarLorLux,” which comprises the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Belgian region Wallonia, the former French region Lorraine as well as the German federal states Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate.
BusinessHistoryPoliticsReligionSocietydemographyTrafficSettlementsWorkTourismeLanguageNatural environment