Project – Border Complexities 2019-2022

Recently, Border Studies are experiencing methodological shift, which aims at describing and investigating borders in more complex ways. Here, the focus lies on dynamic formations of actors, activities, bodies, objects and knowledge that become effective as border (de)stabilizations. These formations, which are called “Border Complexities”, are the core of the interdisciplinary project. They will be conceptualised using different analytical approaches and discussed using empirical examples.

For this purpose, a carefully coordinated series of workshops to enable a structured and interdisciplinary examination of a recent development in border studies, will be carried out.

The series consists of five thematically linked workshops in which young and established scientists from Germany, France and Luxembourg participate. The workshops each focus on a specific aspect of the analysis of Border Complexities and are intended to further develop a less noticed trend in border research.

The workshops will take place in 2019-2022 at the locations of the partner universities, four of which are located in a geographical border area. The French-German, French-Luxembourgian, German-Polish and German-Danish border locations will be used to illustrate and deepen the themes of the workshops.

The following workshops are planned:

05-06/12/2019 – Borders as Border Complexities (University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette)
18-19/03/2021 – Logics of dis/order of Border Complexities (European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder))
07-09/06/2021 – Temporalities and Change of Border Complexities (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris)
02-03/12/2021 – Materialities and corporalities of Border Complexities (European University of Flensburg, Flensburg)
02-03/06/2022 – Spatiality and networks of Border Complexities (University of Lorraine, Metz)

Five partners carry out this cooperation project, which is funded by the Franco-German University. The partners are:

University of Luxembourg (UniGR-Center for Border Studies)
European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) (Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION)
University of Lorraine (UniGR-Center for Border Studies)
European University of Flensburg (Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies)
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Centre Georg Simmel)

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