Book series - "Räume – Grenzen – Hybriditäten" (Spaces - Borders - Hybridity)

This book series launched by Astrid M. Fellner, Florian Weber (Saarland University) and Olaf Kühne (University of Tübingen) is aimed at border researchers in the spatial, cultural and social science fields wishing to publish both theoretical-conceptual and empirically oriented work.

The "Räume – Grenzen – Hybriditäten" (Spaces - Borders - Hybridity) series published by Verlag Springer VS will offer an inter- and cross-disciplinary forum targeting sociology, cultural and literary studies, geography, border research and other disciplines that are relevant in terms of their content. The aim is to focus on complex processes of change from a contemporary, but also a historical perspective as well as to simultaneously conceptualise border demarcations and hybridisations. Altogether this forms a constructivist approach, which can be used to highlight the social fabrication and variability of spaces, borders and cultures.

For more information, visit the publisher's website


Florian Weber

Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Europaforschung

Saarland University