Regional Development – Sustainability


This working paper highlights the thematic field “mobility and transports” and presents the challenges which occur in terms of territorial development for the Greater Region. It specifically focuses on the territorial distribution of cross-border worker movements and on the reliance on cars within the Greater Region, as well as on the influence of European policies on the way challenges inherent to cross-border transport are addressed.


The working paper pertains to the thematic field “demography and migration” and highlights the challenges for territorial development in the Greater Region. Particular emphasis is placed on cross-border residential mobility at borders with the Grand Duchy, on population ageing and on the guarantee of general interest services in rural regions.


The thematic document highlights various aspects of cross-border spatial development based on the following central themes: spatial planning instruments, promotion of cross-border cooperation, health care, transport infrastructures and services, territorial integration through the combination of transport modes and creation of European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation. The contributions pertain to different cross-border spaces in Europe.


In this article, Soja covers the research fields of regional and urban studies, which increasingly tend to blend together. He makes a case for an approach consisting in considering these two research fields together, as empirical research also increasingly allows for the simultaneous observation of these categories which used to be considered separately. Soja highlights gaps and needs with regard to research; he reports eight important thematic fields for critical and comparative regional research: 1) new regionalism, 2) the regenerating power of towns and regions, 3) regional urbanisation, 4) the end of the metropolis, 5) broadened regional urbanisation, 6) multi-scalar regionalisation, 7) regional governance and planning and 8) regional democracy.


Development of the cross-border cooperation presented in the regional scheme of economic development of innovation and internationalisation (SRDEII) of the Grand Est region pursues ambitious goals that strengthen the specific geographic location of this region.

Even though the cross-border development seems to have been achieved, the goals pursued for economic development in the Grand Est region are facing great challenges: Stronger transparency of the programmes of cooperation, better mediation of local competences, reduction of the language barrier between the residents, etc.


How far are the border areas in fringe areas? This chapter emphasises the relativity of the fringe location of the borders depending on the considered spatial and temporal standards. The ambiguous relationship between fringe and border is initially discussed by various emblematic cases in France and Europe. The standard must therefore be changed in order to look at the type of fringe location, which is then reflected by a multi-scale approach of the border regions, between the EU as a whole and the cross-border regions in North-Eastern France. These elements permit a definition of the fringe area in conclusion.


Lorraine appears to be subject to continuous outer influences, from the patriotism of 1914 - 18 with its many victims, to the "copy and paste" mode that we see today. Unable to initiate endogenous development, too dependent on outer forces – Lorraine is not even an administrative region today. Lorraine is the victim of "territorialisation" under the neoliberal approach. It has degraded to nothing but a crumbling space, a suburb of Luxembourg and a place where nuclear wastes can be put in final storage. The politicians and elites in Lorraine want to retroactively legitimate and support this exogeneous development..


The book essentially questions the way spaces can be described and empirically studied within or as cross-border relations. To do this, the author focuses on border dwellers in the Greater Region of SaarLorLux, insofar as its circular mobility structure and its presence in multiple neighbouring areas may be considered exemplary for cross-border life realities. The book hypothesises that spaces, rather than being pre-existing, allow for the development of subjectively significant spatial relations through cross-border activities. The concept of space therefore describes the significant social relations developed through border dweller practices, which are partially operationalised and studied empirically through socio-cultural questions.


The Centre for Border Region Studies in the University of Southern Denmark, in Sønderborg (founded in 2016, based on a research tradition dating back to 1976), links the Faculty of Human Sciences and the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences for interdisciplinary and comparative research work using qualitative methods. Specifically, the disciplines represented for research in the field of European cross-border regions are anthropology, geography, history and political sciences.
The research themes are structured using four fields as indicated by the Centre for Border Region Studies:

  • The role and developing functions of borders and cross-border regions
  • Current cross-border European regions: conflicts and cooperation
  • The role of (cross-border) regions and of the European Union
  • Minorities in European cross-border regions

Universities in the European border regions are facing special challenges due to their geographic location. These challenges may also be viewed as opportunities. Political representatives from the border regions confirm their willingness to engage in stronger European integration in the areas of education and research. In fact, the spatial proximity facilitates international research cooperation, student exchange in general and creation of special coordinated bi- and trinational study programs. The site also leads to special research topics in subjects such as economics, law, literature and cultural sciences. These can be processed by scientists on either side of the border. The quality of personal contact turns out to be supporting pillar for innovative border-crossing programs in all areas..