Enjeux des territoires frontaliers à l’échelle nationale : vers la détermination et la délimitation de pôles transfrontaliers

Enjeux des territoires frontaliers à l’échelle nationale : vers la détermination et la délimitation de pôles transfrontaliers

Border Region
France and neighboring regions

Scientific study taking a comparative approach to analysis of border areas in the French territory.


In this scientific study, the authors take a comparative approach to the analysis of border areas in the French territory. The methodological and technical concerns implicated in such analysis are discussed. The third part of the study focusses on the advantages of taking a medium-scale approach. The study draws on a large number of maps and graphic representations. Finally, the authors put forward a typology of border areas.


De Ruffray et al. take a comparative approach to analysis of border areas in the French territory. The authors begin by reminding readers that "in a report published by the parliamentary mission on cross-border policy (République française, 2010), one of the recommendations is to 'ensure strategic observation of cross-border regions and capitalize on successful experiences’1 "(p. 3). At the same time, they acknowledge the challenges that this poses from a scientific perspective. Notably it "assumes reflection on, and development of strategies to favor the harmonization of territorial networks, the definition of indicators, data and in particular, the timeframes over which such data is collected." (p 3).

The first part of the study therefore concentrates on national concerns relating to cross-border territories, as seen on a local scale. Theoretical, methodological, operational and territorial approaches are discussed. The multiscalar nature of the border, which results in part from the growth in national, regional and local logics in border areas, is illustrated using concrete examples and a large number of maps and graphic representations.

The second part addresses the methodological choices arising as a result of the comparative approach. In order to conduct this comparative study, two methodological and technical concerns had to be considered: territorial networking and the lack of harmonized and comparable data (these issues are described on p. 16). For the purposes of this study, the smoothing method (theoretical and methodological reference by Claude Grasland) was employed to "allow a morphological and statistical comparison without including governance" (p. 14). The study is based on data from the European infra-regional information system (SIRE) (the data was systematically tested), and, to complete this, the creation of a data base containing data from national institutes of statistics.

The third part of the study considers the benefits of taking a medium-scale approach. The study highlights the scale of concerns relating to cross-border areas. Concerns relating to training and education, and to real estate are also discussed.

In the conclusion, the authors describe four types of area which are the subject of concern: (i) areas showing strong growth and which are subject to real estate pressure, (ii) areas in severe decline, (iii) areas showing signs of slight decline, and (iv) areas demonstrating cross-border decline.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • I. National concerns relating to cross-border areas on a local scale: a theoretical and operational approach [Les enjeux nationaux des territoires transfrontaliers à l’échelle locale : approche théorique et opérationnelle]
    • A. Theoretical concerns: elusive borders [Enjeu théorique : Des frontières insaisissables]
    • B. Methodological and operational concerns: border areas at the crossroads of national, regional, and local logics [Enjeux méthodologiques et opérationnels : les territoires frontaliers, au croisement des logiques nationales, régionales et locales]
    • C. Concerns relating to territorial relocation [Les enjeux territoriaux d’aménagement]
  • II. Methodological choices arising from a comparative approach [Des choix méthodologiques induits par la comparabilité]
    • A. Cross-border delimitation on a medium-scale [Une délimitation transfrontalière à moyenne échelle]
    • B. Smoothing as a solution to the challenge of building networks [Le lissage, une solution au défi du maillage]
    • C. A harmonized and local data base [Une base de données harmonisées et locales]
  • III. Advantages of a medium-scale approach [Intérêts d’une approche quantifiée à moyenne échelle]
    • A. The scale of cross-border concerns [La mise en évidence des échelles des enjeux transfrontaliers]
    • B. Concerns relating to education and training: advantages of the population structure [Les enjeux de formation : l’intérêt de la structure de population]
    • C. Concerns relating to real estate: links between regional and local planning [Les enjeux liés au foncier : l’articulation entre planification régionale et locale]
  • Conclusion: Towards a typology of cross-border areas [Vers une typologie des espaces transfrontaliers]
  • List of figures
  • List of tables
  • Bibliography of main reference materials
  • Annex of maps
Key Messages
  • The main objective of this study is to offer a comparative approach to analysis of border areas in the French territory. The effects of cross-border polarization are discussed.
  • It is difficult to gain a global view of issues relating to cross-border areas because statistical data is not harmonized across the countries concerned. Two methodological and technical concerns had to be addressed: territorial networking and the lack of harmonized and comparable data.
  • Four types of area which are the subject of concern are identified: (i) areas showing strong growth and real estate pressure, (ii) areas in severe decline, (iii) areas showing signs of slight decline, and (iv) areas demonstrating cross-border decline.

S. de Ruffray, G. Hamez, C. Grasland, N. Lambert, A. Hamm and E. Gallet-Moron

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Publié dans
Francia: ums riate