Leitbilder und Handlungsstrategien für die Raumentwicklung in Deutschland
Leitbilder und Handlungsstrategien für die Raumentwicklung in Deutschland
The Leitbilder und Handlungsstrategien für die Raumentwicklung in Deutschland (guiding principles and strategies for spatial development in Germany, hereinafter referred to as the guiding principles) of the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure outline development strategies for spatial planning policy at federal and state levels.
The guiding principles create the following fields of action:
- 1. Strengthen competitiveness:
- 1.1 Develop metropolitan regions;
- 1.2 Strengthen cooperation and networking of spaces;
- 1.3 Support spaces with special structural needs;
- 1.4 Secure infrastructure connectivity and mobility
- 2. Secure public services:
- 2.1 Apply central-location systems consistently;
- 2.2 Expand cooperation;
- 2.3 Secure supply to sparsely populated rural areas;
- 2.4 Secure accessibility
- 3. Strengthen and sustainably develop land use:
- 3.1 Minimize spatial conflicts of use;
- 3.2. Create large-scale linked open spaces;
- 3.3 Design cultural landscapes;
- 3.4 Reduce new land use;
- 3.5 Sustainably manage the use of mineral resources and other underground uses;
- 3.6 Sustainably use coastal and marine areas
- 4. Shape climate change and energy system transformation:
- 4.1 Adapt spatial structures to climate change;
- 4.2 Manage the expansion of renewable energies and grids
The Leitbilder und Handlungsstrategien für die Raumentwicklung in Deutschland (guiding principles and strategies for spatial development in Germany, hereinafter referred to as the guiding principles) of the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure outline development strategies for spatial planning policy at federal and state levels. They are committed to the spatial planning concept of sustainable spatial development, which reconciles the social and economic demands on space with its ecological functions and leads to a permanent, large-scale balanced order with equal living conditions in the subspaces.
The guiding principles contribute to maintaining and strengthening the diversity of the subspaces, their cohesion and their sustainability; they refer to all types of space, from the rural-peripheral regions to the metropolitan regions. As a concept, the guiding principles form an umbrella for the spatially related political objectives, the stipulations in spatial development plans and the concrete implementation measures. The guiding principles should be effective in practice by means of the approaches taken. This includes spatial planning instruments such as spatial development plans and spatial development procedures, but also spatial planning cooperation with spatially effective sectoral policies (e.g. planning transport or energy networks, development of rural areas) and also with local parties such as municipalities, associations, companies and private individuals (e.g. regional management concepts to safeguard public services).
The guiding principles are therefore primarily aimed at spatial planning decision-makers at federal and state levels, including regional planning agencies, municipalities and municipal associations; in this respect, they serve as a guide for joint action. At the same time, they are aimed at the decision-makers of spatially effective sectoral policies such as transport, environment, energy and the economy, who are responsible for implementing spatial planning concerns in their sectoral planning and measures. They also provide guidance for the private sector regarding future investment decisions. They support the dialogue on spatial development in Germany with society, neighboring states and regions and the European institutions.
0. Introduction
1. Strengthen competitiveness
- 1.1 Develop metropolitan regions
- 1.2 Strengthen cooperation and networking of spaces
- 1.3 Support spaces with special structural needs
- 1.4 Secure infrastructure connectivity and mobility
2. Secure public services
- 2.1 Apply central-location systems consistently
- 2.2 Expand cooperation
- 2.3 Secure supply to sparsely populated rural areas
- 2.4 Secure accessibility
3. Manage and sustainably develop land use
- 3.1 Minimize spatial conflicts of use
- 3.2 Create large-scale linked open space
- 3.3 Design cultural landscapes
- 3.4 Reduce new land use
- 3.5 Sustainably manage the use of mineral resources and other underground uses
- 3.6 Sustainably use coastal and marine areas
4. Shape climate change and energy system transformation
- 4.1 Adapt spatial structures to climate change
- 4.2 Manage the expansion of renewable energies and grids
Annex: Explanation of the methodological basis of the contents of the guiding principles map
Strengthening competitiveness: All regions and sub-regions should have the opportunity to continually develop in a competitive and sustainable way. To this end, further impetus is needed to initiate regional growth alliances in order to improve location quality, improve regional self-organization (regional governance) and raise the profile of regions and sub-regions with regard to their development goals.
Securing public services: In order to guarantee equal living conditions, the provision of public services and infrastructures should be ensured in all sub-regions. This includes, above all, the accessibility of appropriate facilities and services for all population groups. The basis for this should be a spatial and settlement structure that guarantees a secure, efficient and cost-effective infrastructural supply.
Manage and sustainably develop land use: Spatial planning should counter the increasing spatial conflicts of use through early interdisciplinary coordination and communication. Particular attention should be paid to resource protection, the development of cultural landscapes, the reduction of new land use, the expansion of renewable energies and networks, and the adaptation of spatial functions and uses to climate change.
Shaping climate change and energy system transformation: The regional planning of the Federal Government and the states supports the goal of limiting global warming to 2 degrees Celsius by the turn of the century and therefore reducing greenhouse gas emissions in order to reduce the risks of climate change in the long term. However, not all negative effects can be avoided. Regional adaptations to climate change are necessary.
Ministerkonferenz für Raumordnung
Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat (bei Verabschiedung: Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur)
Bundesinstitut für Bau,- Stadt- und Raumforschung