Observatoire interrégional du marché de l’emploi | Interregionale Arbeitsmarktbeobachtungsstelle

Observatoire interrégional du marché de l’emploi | Interregionale Arbeitsmarktbeobachtungsstelle

Border Region
Greater Region

The Interregional Labour Market Observatory (IBA = Interregionale Arbeitsmarktbeobachtungsstelle) collects and analyzes data on labor markets in the Greater Region.


The Interregional Labour Market Observatory (IBA) is a network of specialized labor market institutes, all of which operate in the Greater Region. On behalf of the Summit of the Greater Region, the IBA collects data on labor markets in the Greater Region. This data is used to write reports on the labor market situation in the Greater Region. In addition to structural reporting based on comparable statistical data from the sub-regions of the Greater Region, the publication contains qualitative information on thematic focus areas.


The Interregional Labor Market Observatory (IBA) is a network of specialized labor market institutes, all of which operate in the Greater Region. On behalf of the Summit of the Greater Region, the IBA collects data on labor markets in the Greater Region. The IBA network of specialist institutes consists of: the cooperating specialist institutes: ADEM and LISER from Luxembourg; CRD EURES / Frontaliers Grand Est and the Mission Transfrontalière, Conseil régional Grand Est from France: East Belgium Statistics / German-Speaking Community of Belgium and IWEPS (Wallonia) from Belgium; and the INFO Institute (Saarbrücken) from Germany. Since 2013, the IBA has been cooperating with the Geographical Information System of the Greater Region (GIS-GR). The joint creation of maps allows the spatial relationships to be visualized.

The tasks of the IBA are: to monitor the development of the labor market in the Greater Region; the collection and processing of labor market data; the communication of relevant information to political and administrative bodies, social partners and the public; as well as networking with other organizations in this field.

The IBA was formed based on a decision of the 4th Summit of the Greater Region in 1998. The first report on the labor market situation in the Greater Region was drawn up in 2001. Since 2007, the IBA has also drawn up the Economic and Social Committee of the Greater Region WSAGR Report on the Economic and Social Situation of the Greater Region. In 2016, the tenth report on the labor market situation in the Greater Region was published. This was dedicated to the digitization of the world of work.

Topics covered range from general information on the labor market situation to detailed reporting on the evolution of cross-border commuters to demography, the situation of young people, the digitization of the workplace and the care work market in the Greater Region. Atypical forms of employment and the need for skilled labor are also topics that have dedicated individual areas.

In addition, the IBA organizes “workshop discussions” where current topics such as the digitization of the world of work or the topic of languages in the Greater Region are presented and evaluated with regional experts. A newsletter provides regular information on the current state of development of the cross-border labor market.

Key Messages
  • The Interregional Labor Market Observatory (IBA) is a network of specialized labor market institutes, all of which operate in the Greater Region.
  • On behalf of the Summit of the Greater Region, the IBA collects data on labor markets in the Greater Region. The data is used to write reports on the labor market situation in the Greater Region. These contain regular reporting on structures and qualitative information on thematic focus areas. 
  • In addition, the IBA organizes “workshop discussions” where current topics are presented and evaluated with regional experts.
Date of creation